Sunday, January 25, 2009


About a month ago in the fair city of Philadelphia where I reside, this guy made the news for whipping out a gun and shooting the father of a family that was talking during a screening of "The Curious Case of Benjamin Button."  He paid his ten bucks and wanted to hear what old-faced Brad was saying, dammit!

Now, I'm not condoning the use of firearms to enforce good manners, but let's be real:  you know you've been in a theater with some lady fishing around in a plastic bag of individually wrapped hard candies for the last Werther's and been tempted to grab the bag, spin it shut and whack her over the head with it.  Or you're trying to immerse yourself in "The Wrestler", contemplating what would happen if you lit a match near Mickey Roarke's face and some jackass next to you is fielding cellphone calls. 

This isn't relegated to the relatively low-rent world of the movie theater, either.  Recently I went to see Frenchie Davis and Ruuuuuuuben Studdard (America's favorite fat lady sex line operator and the Velvet Teddy Bear, respectively) in "Ain't Misbehavin'" at the Academy of Music and the couple next to me proceeded to have a FULL VOLUME conversation THE ENTIRE TIME about how uncomfortable the seats were until I politely asked them to shut up.  WTF?  I'm trying to get my "Fat and Greasy" on (an actual song, not a commentary on either Frenchie or Ruben), and you're kvetching about how you're not enjoying your theater-going experience?  Well, thanks to you, neither am I!  So can it or take a hike.  

Seriously, is it asking too much of people to remember that they are not at home in their jacked up recliners while they're watching these things and that other humans around them actually exist?  

What's your theater pet-peeve?


  1. The Brody clan saw "O" in Las Vegas, and these people were chatting the whole time, so Drew asked them to be quiet. After the show, one of the ladies waited for drew at the end of the aisle and said (exact words):

    "As you have judged, so shall you be judged. May God forgive you for being such an asshole."

    I guess I thought this was more funny than annoying, but also rude on several levels...

  2. Yes, HE was clearly the asshole in that scenario. How dare he interrupt their conversation.

  3. Any people in a theater is totally annoying

    ...and why is the Coke from the #3 the same size as the popcorn? I wasn't aware that the Coke to popcorn ratio was in equilibrium.

  4. I would prefer to hear about what you find in your kitchen, or other parts of your "area."

  5. I love Philadelphia from afar.

    "You! In the third row!!! You coughed". "BANG"...
    "One sneeze and I whip out the AK47"

  6. Bet they were dressed in their finest sweatpants too.
