Monday, July 27, 2009

Edible Infants.

You know how they can take a picture now and stick it on a cake? Yeah, that's weird. Like it's Grandpa's 75th birthday and here you are at the family party, eating part of his chin or working your way through his right arm. Festive.

Well, that's nothing. Because I was recently made aware of the 100% horrifying marzipan babies phenomenon. Like, miniature, realistic-looking babies THAT ARE MADE OUT OF SUGAR AND ARE EDIBLE. And evidently, twisted freaks like to give them out to nosh upon at baby showers.

I have good news. Turns out, I'm like five years behind the times and this all turned out to be a nasty rumor. I Snopes-ed it out and they're actually just these weird little figurines that some artist makes. Which, really, is kind of bizarre enough in itself. Weirder still is that I checked out the website and for some reason (read: to make an extra buck), you can buy little outfits for these mini babies and dress them up. What is the scenario like where someone is sitting around doing that? At least they're not eating them, I guess.


  1. Dressing them up is way more weird than eating them.

    How do you get a onesie over the ones with the folded legs and arms? HOW?

    I'd rather just eat them than try and figure that out.

  2. i think worse than a photo cake is a photo pillowcase, which is in fact a thing that exists. WHY would it EVER seem like a good idea to rest my weary head atop some a-hole's FACE?

    you right about these babies, though. these babies is MAD terrible.
