Thursday, April 16, 2009

The Dreaded Sing-Along.

Can we all just agree that few things are less necessary or more embarrassing than sing along scenes in movies?

You've been there: you're watching some (usually sub par but morbidly fascinating) movie and here it comes - a scene in the film where suddenly, everyone thinks it would be a great time to all bust out their rendition of some overplayed oldies song. Think that "Say a Little Prayer" scene from "My Best Friend's Wedding", Tom Cruise warbling "You've Lost that Loving Feeling" in "Top Gun", a bunch of yuppies prancing around a kitchen, singing "Ain't Too Proud to Beg" (how could you, Jeff Goldblum?) in "The Big Chill"... Gross.

How would you react if people did this in real life? You're in some bar and a bunch of drunks start singing along to "Can't Get Next to You" and dancing around the room. You'd run out screaming (and hopefully at least try and taze a couple of of them on your way out the door.) Or like, you were over at your chronically single friend's house and she started dancing around in her undies, belting out "I Will Survive"? You'd either stage an intervention or stop returning her calls.

Anyway, please, no more of these. They're embarrassing for everyone involved and make people hate Otis Redding unnecessarily.

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