Saturday, February 14, 2009

Make this Show.

Do y'all know Lil Mama? Looooove her. She's a rapper or something but I know her from America's Next Best Dance Squad on MTV. All I know is that she dresses a mess, looks about 58 years old but is only 19, and has a fabulous way of speaking. She actually sounds a lot like Brian Fellow. Which is awesome.

Someone needs to give Lil Mama her own show in which she plays a Judge Judy type person who doles out no-nonsense justice whilst over-enunciating with a Brooklyn accent. Get on that! I'd totally watch it.


  1. I think you actually mean America's Best Dance Crew! There's no "next" about ABDC... they are the best NOW.
    You're dead on about the Brian Fellow similarity... I enjoy that she also pretty much will only agree with what has been said previously. Except when she cried over those circus freaks from Brooklyn.
    I may or may not be obsessed with this show.
    Last season, Lil Mama would only wear sparkly baseball hats that had a hole for her pony tail. No lie.
    I do enjoy that she keeps all the female crews in line by warning them when they go too laker-girl-slutty.

  2. Lil Mama's first hit was "Lip Gloss". Brian Fellow always wore lip gloss. Something weird is going on here.

  3. A) Lil Mama has a pee-pee
    B) They already did that show, and it's called Ghost Whisperer
