Monday, June 22, 2009

Feelin' Blue.

There needs to be more blue foods. Even as a kid, you had to be aware that (maybe due to their scarcity) blue foods were always the best and most delicious: Booberry cereal, any cupcakes with blue icing, the blue sno-kone...

Back in my day, they didn't even have blue M&M's (they replaced the lame tan M&M back in 1995) or blue Jolly Ranchers. What is up with that? Like, no one realized that BLUE is way more fun to eat than freakin' TAN? Was there some poison in the blue dye that no one was talking about? Why did it take the food industry so long to wise up? And now that the coast seems to be clear, can we have more blue foods, please? I'll eat them. And don't talk to me about blueberries. I KNOW ABOUT BLUEBERRIES, OKAY?

Another thing: there should be more blue types of plant life, like flowers. How many blue flowers do you see around? Maybe the occasional cornflower. And don't talk to me about some weirdass flower that only grows in Australia. It's not doing me any good.

Then they try to pass off these flowers that are actually more purple as being blue. Let's get it straight: I didn't just fall off the turnip truck. Don't show me something that's black and tell me it's navy.


  1. For the record the worst Crayola ever was Cornflower: A BLUE CRAYON.

  2. cornflower WAS bad. i can't deny it. however, the BEST color was also blue: midnight blue.
