Friday, March 20, 2009

Real Hosebeasts.

I don't really know how it happened, and I'm not proud, but I ended up watching "Real Hosebeasts of NYC". Don't judge. Only I may pass judgment upon the hideous, shrill, self-righteous, delusional ladies on this show. Have you seen it? Long story short, a bunch of horrible women (some of whom are neither Housewives, nor Real) get together, act catty toward one another, and hash out such idiotic problems as who has the more decrepit husband and why didn't so-and-so show up to my dumbass party for d-wads?

My question is, are they in on the joke? They have to know they are being presented in the shallowest, most horrible light ever, right? That these invented situations are designed to showcase their shortcomings as humans, yes? Or are they so delusional that they think they look good while it's all the other hosebeasts on the show who look petty and delusional? That one's husband is super-gay, right? And that other one whose husband is alleged royalty: she started out as a high-priced call girl, correct? Also, who's grosser: this group or the hooches in the Orange County version? Discuss.

I hate these shows that showcase women for being total morons. Please help me to heal. And change the channel.

1 comment:

  1. So who's at fault: A) the producers of these shows; B) the women who choose to exploit themselves for money, or; C) the people who support these shows by watching?

    None of the above: the answer is D) George Bush. He really screwed us.
