Monday, March 16, 2009

Totally in my Face.

What's with these people who need to be all up in your zone? If you're talking to me and you're not married to me or at least a good friend, TAKE A STEP BACK. I thought I was going to lose an eye today while talking to this woman and her flailing limbs, since she insisted on standing 2 inches away from me. Back it up, lady, or I'm liable to Mace you. I can't be held responsible. The worst is the personal space violator who could use a hot date with a toothbrush and some mouthwash. Have a mint or step away: it's your choice.

I'm pretty sure this is what precipitated the midget riot that took place yesterday at a poorly executed "America's Next Top Model" open casting in New York City. Peeps were all up in each other's business, and you know these shorties (no one over 5'7", please) were rockin' some stank breath after sleeping out on the sidewalk overnight. Is it any wonder things turned ugly? And as fellow dwarf Bre from Cycle 5 once said, "God don't like ugly."


  1. The key is to stop talking to people using anything other than a phone or the internet. Then most sci-fi stories about a dystopian future may come true. It's your choice.

  2. I just had a close-talker encounter today. I wonder if much of this close-talking is just an accidental "got too close and now i don't know how to tactfully extricate myself from the situation" type thing?

    Maybe all those shorties at the casting call stampede should have just had a cookie.
