Wednesday, March 4, 2009

America's Next Top Mess.

Well, it's that time again. Oprah-in-training Tyra Banks unleashes the latest batch of model wannabes fresh from the bowels of Hot Topic with the latest "cycle" of America's Next Top Model. And I will watch. Even though this show easily peaked 10 cycles ago (which is like 4 months in Top Model time) during the Shanthrax years, I'm still compelled to tune in.

But next cycle, forget it. Tyra's latest gambit is that no model over 5'7" need apply,which effectively erases the "Model" part of ANTM, leaving us with simply America's Next Top, which is a different show altogether.

Seriously - a height limit? Are there now no requirements whatsoever for being on this show other than a willingness to be in close proximity to Miss J. and the ability to resist the urge to flee a room containing James St. James? What's next? Only girls missing a few teeth will be considered? America's Next Top Crone? Maybe that dude made out of tree bark over on TLC should toss his hat into the ring.

Tyty seems to be grasping at straws. Let's get back to the days when the models actually vaguely resembled models, were forced to do outlandish things like work out, smoked up a storm, had eating disorders and hung out with select members of the Wu Tang Clan. You know, like on Make Me a Supermodel. Hmmm...

Should I convert? Is anyone else still watching ANTM? Are me and Benny Ninja the only ones left on this godforsaken sinking ship?


  1. Sorry for the cliche, but LOL. Really funny stuff.

  2. Liz, this ship never left port. Not sure why you boarded and stayed for so long before realizing this.
