Wednesday, February 18, 2009

TLC Trauma.

When Bravo is showing only reruns of the Hooches of the East, Left and South (the Real Housewives series), I'm forced to look elsewhere for entertainment, lest my retinas be seared by the glow from their orange flesh. This often includes a stop at TLC for some What Not to Wear or Little People: Big Deal! action. All well and good.

What I do NOT appreciate, however, are the commercials/teasers for other TLC programming, which more often than not include GROSSLY DISTURBING IMAGES. Listen, I'm trying to watch some stupid show about wedding gowns: don't go showing me theMermaid Girl, the 900 lb Toddler or the Boy Who's Face Flew Off[sic]. I hate being sabotaged with video footage of some guy in India who has tree bark growing off his body, some dude whose biceps exploded or a fella with NO FACE WHATSOEVER. What the...?! 

Or at least give me some warning. Going from wondering if some jerk on Property Ladder is going to lose his shirt on a house flipping scheme to being confronted with Sharon, the primordial dwarf and her average-sized teeth is a bit jarring, to say the least. Poor Sharon! How can I go back to watching LA Ink after seeing her?  How can I go on?!


  1. Thanks to you, now I wasted 1 hour watching gross videos on youtube

  2. Trust me, it's even worse when you have to work on these shows. You know each day when you wake up that you will be spending the next 8 to 10 hours sifting through this lovely footage. Be glad you only are bombarded by this stuff for 30 seconds.
