Monday, February 2, 2009

Judge (& Jury) Dredd.

Around this time last year, I got called for jury duty and it was a magical time. After the initial cattle call, I got selected to sit on the jury for an armed robbery case. I felt like I won the lottery. I totally loved nearly every minute of it, and I'm not apologizing for it.

The highlights:

1) 10 day paid vacation from work. 10 DAYS, SUCKERS! I felt like I just won a dream vacation to sunny Acapulco. Looking back, I realize how very sad this was.
2) A lazy-ass judge. Or he was sick or something. Regardless, this guy slept through most of the trial, wanted to begin the day no earlier than 10:00am, and dismissed us by 3:00pm every day.
3) Comforting, kindergarten teacher-like bailiff who rounded us up and shuffled us around, asking frequently if we needed potty breaks.
4) Prosecutor who looked like a cross between (among?) Jimmy Smits on L.A. Law, James Lipton and El Diablo.
5) Mistaken impression that I might somehow get to meet Judge Judy.
6) Got to go home for lunch daily while hearing the case. While deliberating, we ordered from a a bevy of restaurants, ALL EXPENSES PAID. We're talking Chili's here, people.
7) Speaking of getting pizzaid, I got paid like $11/day including a federal holiday when court was not in session. I tried to give it to the payroll people at work but it was too much trouble for them to figure out how to deduct it from my pay or something, so KABLAM, I made like 100 clams.
8) After being verbally threatened by some people awaiting some OTHER trial, the judge made us enter and exit courtroom via a SECRET HALLWAY. Very Nancy Drew!
9) Did I mention the fact that I did not have to go to work for 10 days?
10) Actually fun to be a part of the judicial process, even though it did not include gospel singing like on Cop Rock.

So why am I annoyed? I just found out I am not eligible to be called again for another three years! NOOOOOOO!!!

Am I the only person who ever had a good jury duty experience?

1 comment:

  1. My greatest jury moment in Philly: Waiting in line for voir dire and a guy comes out of another courtroom wearing a T-shirt with a picture of Judge Joe Brown that said, "Tell it to the judge!" If I had been on *that* jury, dude would have so been not guilty.
