Thursday, February 5, 2009

The Jerk Within.

Don't you hate those d-wads who fly off the handle without letting you get a word in edgewise?

While crossing the street this morning (in subzero temperatures), a taxi obviously not intending on actually observing his Stop sign began rolling toward me while I was in the crosswalk. Naturally, I started mouthing off. He jammed on the brakes, then rolled down the window. "Oh, it's on," I thought, and unleashed a barrage of anger in his direction. "Why don't you look where you're going? You're supposed to STOP at a Stop sign. You almost ran me over! Your Momma!" While I paused for breath, he said, "I was just trying to tell you I'm sorry."

Man. I hate it when I turn out to be the jerk. It's much more fun when everyone else sucks.

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