Wednesday, March 18, 2009


What is it about business situations that drives people to start speaking in corporate-babble? Why is it suddenly mandatory to start peppering one's speech with sports metaphors, non-sequiturs and made-up words ("incentivize", anyone?)?

Today, this woman was describing a favorable idea as being one for the "front of the bus." What the hell does that mean? Is this some kind of homage to/defacing of Rosa Parks? Was she condoning a return to segregation on public transportation? Like, good ideas get to be in the front, bad ideas in the back? Racist! Or was she likening her mind to a bus? Why would you do that? Pick something a little more streamlined, at least. Come on.

Front of the bus? I'm not sure if this lady ever rode the bus, but the last time I was on there, the front of the bus was not exactly the Shangri-La. It was populated by a guy with one leg, two old ladies and three teenage girls who refused to yield their seats to said old ladies, all of whom were wearing wigs in varying stages of dishevelment.


  1. Ha! Right! The front of the bus is usually reserved for the people who don't really know where they're going, or who need some help. You know what, though? At least the Front of the Bus lady came up with her own little phrase. Points for trying to be creative with her non-sequitur.

  2. Liz, you really need to be more proactive, come up with an action plan, and re-purpose your blog in a seamless skills transfer with value-added.

    Then you can facilitate a synergistic transfer of initiatives. Don't blamestorm me for saying that.
