Monday, March 9, 2009

Springtime Stank.

There's nothing quite like taking a stroll on a springtime tease of a day, heady with the unaccustomed freedom of perambulating about clad in fewer than 14 layers of clothing, and taking a deep breath and inhaling... rank cigar smoke.

While out and about on this weekend, I encountered no fewer than 10 unaffiliated dudes puffing on stogies all within a 20 minute period. Thanks for ruining my first taste of springtime with your big, honking, stank mess. 1996 called and it wants its stupid, Arnold Schwarzenegger-fueled fad back. When I run for President, my platform is going to be 8 weeks paid vacation for all and the outlaw of both cigars and every Bon Jovi song ever recorded. Who smokes them, anyway? Fat Republicans, George Burns and drunk-ass sorority girls at a wedding.

Cigars are by far the most disgusting smoking-related smell. From most to least offensive, the list breaks down like this:
1. Cigars
2. Skunk
3. Cigarettes
4. Weed of the non-skunk variety
5. Pipe
6. Cloves

Who disagrees?


  1. Wrong.

    1. kitty pee
    2. worms on a rainy day
    3. barf

    after those, nothing is that bad

  2. People pee (sidewalk/corner people pee) on a hot humid summer day in the city. Always seems to be the same corners too.
