Monday, March 2, 2009


Oprah's what, like a zillionaire? Today, her show (which for the record, I have not seen since she was locked in a head-to-head trash battle with Geraldo Rivera back in the '80s) was about not buying crap. Simplify your life, save your dough, blah blah blah.

Ope offered up three especially choice tidbits during the broadcast:
1) She packs her lunch, then gloats to her longtime live-in whatever, Stedman, about having saved 7 bucks
2) She sees a penny, picks it up. Like she needs more good luck?
3) She saves toast. As in, if she toasts a piece of bread and doesn't want it, she saves it until the next day and then re-toasts it, thereby making it "even toastier"

Oprah, let's be real: we kind of know you're rich. The secret's out! You don't have to pretend to be one of us plebeians, clipping coupons, using expired-but-still-smells-OK milk, trying to keep the cold out with the duct tape and plastic sheeting Homeland Security told us to buy in 2003.

Leave some pennies on the sidewalk for the rest of us to pick up.


  1. Wait, how much does she pay for her home chef to make/pack a lunch for her? Is she really "saving" $7 or does she really pay some dude $40/hour to cater to her every food need?

  2. WHO WOULD DARE "RE-TOAST" TOAST? I think this officially makes her the worst person on earth.
